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This tutorial will provide an overview of key issues that affect metabolomics studies, from study design to metabolite identification. The state-of-the art of data processing of NMR and LC-MS data sets and data analysis of metabolomics data using multivariate statistical tools will be presented. The tutorial will provide the background for understanding the topics discussed during the event.


Who should attend?

This tutorial is aimed at PhD students, post-docs and researchers who are interested to approach metabolomics study or want to improve their knowledge about some specific key issues.



After this tutorial, attendants should be able to:

- understand the principles of metabolomics experimental design;

- identify strengths and weaknesses in a variety of metabolomics analytical approaches;

- choose the procedure to use for processing and analyzing metabolomics data.



9.00-9.30        Introduction to design of experiments in metabolomics study

9.30-10.15      Metabolomics based on NMR: experiments and data processing

10.15-11.00    Metabolomics based on LC-MS: experiments and data processing

11.00-12.00    Data analysis: principles and tools


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