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Participation Grants

Metabolomics Society Participation Grants

The Metabolomics Society supports the “Advances in NMR and MS in Metabolomics” congress by providing three Participation Grants* for young (under 35 years old) participants. Selection of awardees will be based on the scientific quality of the submitted abstracts. The awarded researchers will be invited to give an oral presentation at the conference, during the first day of the congress, at the Aula Magna in the Palazzo Bo.

Young Researchers can apply for one of the Grants by sending their abstract for an oral presentation (30 minutes) and a short CV at the email address: before October 13th 2017

Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Conference Scientific Committee.

Selected award winners will received the communication before October 31st

The other participants not selected for the awards will have the chance to participate to congress paying the early registration fee


*Participation grants will cover the registration fee



Registration Fee includes:

- Attendance to the Scientific Session

- Scientific material of the symposium with conference bag

​- Coffee Breaks

- Lunches

Info about Registration Fees:

Early Registration:  150 Euro for IMaSS, GIDRM and Società Italiana di Chemiometria Members; 200 Euro + VAT (22%) for non-members

Late Registration:  200 Euro for IMaSS, GIDRM and Società Italiana di  Chemiometria Members; 250 Euro + VAT (22%) for non-members

One-day registration (to be paid at the conference site): 100 Euro for IMaSS, GIDRM and Società Italiana di Chemiometria Members; 100 Euro + VAT (22%) for non-members


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Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsors

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